A Meta-Analysis of Association Between Acne Ulgaris and Demodex Infestation

by Ya-e Zhao,† Li Hu, Li-ping Wu, and Jun-xian Ma Until now, etiology of acne vulgaris is still uncertain. Although clinicians usually deny the association between Demodex infestation and acne vulgaris, it has been proved in some clinical practices. To confirm the association between Demodex infestation and acne vulgaris, a meta-analysis was conducted. Predefined selection criteria were applied to search all published […]
Demodex spp. as a Possible Aetiopathogenic Factor of Acne and Relation with Acne Severity and Type

by Ulviye Güvendi Akçınar,1 Emine Ünal,1 and Funda Doğruman Al2 Introduction Acne is a very common skin disease in adolescents and young adults, but it also affects adults. However, its aetiology is not yet fully understood. Demodex appears to be associated with multiple skin disorders, but controversy persists. Some reports indicate a connection between acne vulgaris and demodicosis. Aim To […]
Adult Acne is on the Rise, and the Pandemic Isn’t Helping

Here’s what you can do about it BY STACEY COLINO // The Washington Post It seems like a cruel trick from Mother Nature: At a time when you’re becoming concerned with fine lines and wrinkles on your face, you find yourself dealing with acne breakouts, too. This has become a noteworthy phenomenon during the coronavirus pandemic. A […]